Celery Allergy Symptoms, Diagnosis

Celery Allergy Symptoms, Diagnosis

celery allergy

Due to its excellent nutritional profile, celery has been used to treat various health ailments including cardiovascular problem, hypertension, blood pressure, cholesterol level and dehydration.

With high amount of water content, celery can hydrate your body and improve overall functioning. However, immune system in some people it may trigger allergic reaction at specific times of the year. In other patients, celery allergy may trigger at anytime.

According to experts this allergic reaction is due to cross-reactivity between birch trees or wormwood plants. You’ll experience oral allergy syndrome signs if you’ve this reaction.

In most people food allergy may react to certain extent with very mild signs. For other people, celery allergy symptoms may range from mild to severe. When your immune system comes in contact with the substances in this vegetable it releases antibodies to check them. IgE antibodies send signals to immune system to release histamines to thwart the foreign material.

This reaction between histamine and proteins in celery leads to allergic symptoms.

Celery Allergy Symptoms

If you don’t see allergic signs for the first time, don’t think you’re safe. Allergy normally triggers when you consume the same food for a couple of times. In rare cases, allergic reaction may see as soon as you eat celery.

Few of them are discussed below.

Tingling sensation in Mouth

You’ll experience itching or tingling sensation around lips, tongue and throat initially. This may represent commence of physical allergic reaction.

Itching may be from moderate to severe leading to redness and inflammation.

Facial Swelling

Along with oral allergy syndrome you may experience bumps, blisters and swelling of mouth, lips, throat and face. University of Maryland state that eye lids and other areas of skin may experience swelling.

Digestive Issues

Problem related to digestive system may start after an hour of having celery. Symptoms like nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea can be accompanied.

Difficulty in Breathing

When you ignore mild signs and continue to use celery, severe symptoms like breathing problem starts. Due swelling of throat and mouth airways gets blocked. Symptoms like wheezing, coughing and asthma can be seen.

Uneven Pulse

Sudden drop in pulse rate and unconsciousness leads to anaphylactic shock. It’s life-threatening and need immediate medical attention. Confusion, slurred speech and uneven pulse rate are signs of this serious condition.

If you come across any of the above mentioned celery allergy symptoms, consult allergist or doctor immediately. He/she will diagnose by testing your skin with different ingredients.

Follow the prescription and stay away from celery included products. In few cases just inhaling can trigger allergy and lead to severe symptoms. Discuss with your doctor about the immediate medication in such serious conditions. Let your family members and close friends now about it.

Other vegetables with identical protein structure like that of celery may irritant our immune system. So you’re advised to stay away from them and do check the ingredient’s list of store brought products.

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