Coconut Allergy Symptoms

Coconut Allergy Symptoms


One of the rare kinds of food allergies is coconut allergy. Not only the coconut but also coconut water and coconut milk can cause allergy. The protein present in coconut can lead to abnormal reactions to your immune system causing coconut allergy. If a person whose immune system is weak or if a person is allergic to coconut, consumes wheat then the body will release antibodies, which in turn causes several symptoms.

Symptoms of coconut allergy

The following symptoms can be observed after consuming coconut or coconut milk and foods made of coconut.

  • Skin rashes or hives
  • Eczema
  • Angioedema that means swelling of lips, throat and face
  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Runny nose
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Stomach pain
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Sleep deprived
  • Watery and red eyes
  • Anaphylaxis may occur, affecting multiple organ systems. However, anaphylaxis to coconut is extremely rare.

People with coconut allergy will have hypersensitivity to coconut and its water or foods made with coconut or both, causing reaction to the immune system. Coconut allergy occurs when a person’s immune system overreacts to the proteins present in the coconut, the body then creates antibodies and releases chemical called histamine in order to protect from the protein. These chemicals cause the symptoms of coconut allergy. Coconut allergy can cause mild as well as serious reaction. Mild symptoms include skin rash where as the serious ones may be life threatening like difficulty in breathing called anaphylaxis.

How to avoid coconut allergy

To avoid coconut in foods, Check the label to food product before buying. Make sure that the food items you purchase are coconut free. Read the ingredients list thoroughly before buying it.

Coconut is present in many foods as a derivative such as coconut oil, rice, sugar, water, cream, milk, and milk powder. You may find coconut in cakes, chocolates, rum, candy, and many desserts. It may also be included in infant formula. And, as mentioned, many coconut-derived ingredients are found in soaps and shampoos.

Before buying the following items do check the ingredients list thoroughly as these may contain coconut

  • Ice creams
  • Smoothies
  • Chocolates
  • Cookies
  • Macaroons
  • Cakes
  • You hut
  • Candy bars

Does Coconut oil also causes allergy?

As said earlier coconut allergy is very rare, likewise coconut oil is also rare and is responsible for causing allergy in human body. Coconut oil is the main component in most of the soaps, shampoos, moisturisers and other skin care products, a person with coconut allergy is more likely to get affected when comes in contact with such products. Therefore, consuming coconut, coconut water, coconut milk as well as touching coconut oil or using coconut oil based products can cause coconut allergy. In both cases, your body reacts to certain proteins present in coconut and thinks it as harmful. Your immune system responds by releasing an antibody called immunoglobulin E, and it tries to fight off the dangerous coconut invaders.The allergy symptoms of coconut oil are similar as of coconut.

Consult doctor immediately if you experience coconut allergy symptoms.