Eucalyptus Oil for Asthma

Eucalyptus Oil for Asthma

Eucalyptus oil has wide range of properties that can be used in certain creams and ointments to relieve from joint pains and muscle pains.

It can also reduce the symptoms of coughs, cold and congestion.

The oil that comes from eucalyptus has been used in perfumes, antiseptics, as an ingredient in cosmetics, in dental preparations and in industrial solvents.

It contains 1, 8 cineole which is known as eucalyptol. Leaves and steam are used to extract the oil which is a colorless liquid with strong healing properties.They are 400 different types of eucalyptus used in many ways which has been used globally.


Asthma is a long-term lung disease which makes breathing difficult. It causes cough, sneezing and shortness in breath.

What causes asthma?

A thing which cause allergies or even like stress is the cause for air passage or the tubes that hold air in to the lungs. This turn in to narrow and swollen which turns out into abnormal mucous and breathing problem called as asthma.

One of the reasons for causing asthma is exposure to the dust; chemicals in the work place may also increase the risk of asthma.

Asthma attack can happen any time or anywhere. They are some situations where people have been attacked by asthma. Some of the types are as follows:

  • Occupational asthma
  • Allergy induced asthma

Natural essential oil of asthma is eucalyptus oil, eucalyptus oil is one of the best oil to get cure from asthma.


Asthma manifestation can consists of

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Wheezing
  • Tight chest
  • Trouble in breathing
  • Sleepless and exhausted

Natural home remedies for asthma

  • Steam bath has often been used to help alleviated nasal congestion and airway irritation which is the cause for asthma.
  • We have many essential oils that can be used for healing this chronic disease. Instead of that we have many natural herbs such as ginger, coffee, omega 3 fatty acids and figs.
  • Belly breathing technique will maximize the air distribution in your lungs, inhale and exhale your breathing through your nose with the functioning of your abdomen may give you common breathe.
  • Pursed lip breathing technique helps during an asthma attack. This is a breathing process where you inhale slowly through your nose and exhale through your pursed lips.

Use of eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil has many beneficial properties where many of the people are not aware of. It is used to control asthma, sinuses, coughs, inflammation and respiratory infections.

It is also used as antiseptic, anti repellent and treatment option for wounds and burns.

It is commonly mixed with other oils to gain the healing properties and to make it more absorbent for skin. It supports the moisturizing process which explains the oil presence in the skin products like natural sunscreen.

We have many ways to use eucalyptus oil including aromatically or internally, for instance it can be applied with the coconut oil as carrier oil to protect the skin.

Benefits of eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil has number of medical properties some of the benefits are given below

  • It heals wounds
  • It removes mental exhaustion
  • Cures muscle pains
  • Removes intestinal germs
  • Used as a skin care product
  • Mange diabetes
  • Used as a room freshener
  • Eliminates lice.

Eucalyptus oil for asthma

Eucalyptus Oil for Asthma

Eucalyptus oil is effective for treating number of respiratory problems including cold, cough, running nose and even asthma too.

It has anti-bacterial, anti fungal, anti viral and anti inflammatory in nature which makes a good ingredient in many medicines that treats respiratory problems.

Asthma is the condition that affects millions of people these days.

How to use eucalyptus oil for asthma

They are many ways to use eucalyptus oil for asthma. Some of them are shown below

Method 1

Simply take 3-4 drops of eucalyptus oil and massage it n your chest for few minutes and the soothing affect of aroma and vapors will calm the throat and dilate the blood vessels. This helps in allowing more oxygen into the lungs and gives you normal breathing.

The anti inflammatory properties help you to get relief from asthmatic symptoms.

Method 2

Add few drops of eucalyptus oil to warm water and set your head over the dish. Cover your head with bath towel and inhale the essence of eucalyptus aroma.

This will help your nasal cavity to start up and you breathe significally. Eucalyptus oil has recovery properties which help to get rid of swelling of your nasal cavities.

Method 3

Apply several drops of eucalyptus oil to a towel or a cloth and inhale the aroma of eucalyptus which will help you to decrease asthma.

Method 4

Required ingredients

  • 2-3 drops of Olive oil
  • 2-3 drops of Almond oil
  • 2-3 drops of Coconut oil
  • 2-3 drops of Eucalyptus oil


Add 2-3 drops of olive oil, coconut oil and eucalyptus oil and mix it well. Apply this diverse oil on the chest.

Repeat this daily for relieving from asthma.

Method 5

Required ingredients

  • Few drops of eucalyptus oil
  • One table spoon of carrier oil
  • Set of socks


  • Mix carrier oil with the eucalyptus oil.
  • Apply this combined oil to your feet before going to the bed
  • Cover your feet with socks stick to this technique every night until your allergy reduces.

How to avoid asthma if it’s getting worse?

  • Maintain your set as dust free as possible
  • Clean your bedding for every week with warm water.
  • Use polyester material for your pillows
  • Crease the ventilation in damp areas of your home.
  • Avoid dairy items such as milk and cheese, because they can increase the quantity of mucus which shows up with an attack.

Is eucalyptus oil safe for asthmatics?

Eucalyptus oil for asthma might be helpful for the persons who are suffering but before applying or following these methods you need to consult your doctor or physician for beneficial results


This oil is strictly prohibited for the pregnant women and it is not suggested for some of the individuals who suffer with any health disorders.