Garlic Allergy Symptoms and Diagnosis

Garlic Allergy Symptoms and Diagnosis


Not just for flavor, garlic is prominent for its medicinal properties. Adding small piece of garlic to hot brewing tea will help to treat cold and cough.

As they say, excess eating will result an ailment. Some hypersensitive people experience garlic allergy symptoms after ingesting this natural ingredient.

However, the reason behind the allergy isn’t excess eating. According to physicians, immune system is the main culprit.

What actually happens when a hypersensitive person inhale or ingest garlic?

Protein substances residing in garlic are detected by immune system as a threat. So, it tries to thwart them out by releasing IgE antibody molecules. These molecules trigger a chemical reaction when the person ingest or inhale garlic for second time.

There are cases where the person experienced allergy even after contacting or inhaling the allergen.

Allergic symptoms can range from acute to moderate. In very cases severe symptoms can be seen.

Garlic Allergy Symptoms


Signs of food allergies are identical and it isn’t easy to differentiate. Only an allergist who will conduct skin prick test will determine the allergic food substance.

Histamines are released by immune system, when antibodies signal the presence of foreign substances.

Thus skin rashes appear if the chemical reaction affects blood. Respiratory issues like asthma, nasal congestion and wheezing can be seen when the reaction affects respiratory system.

Digestive issues like diarrhea, stomach cramps and vomiting can be experienced in allergic triggered person.

  • Skin rashes or hives can be seen at different parts of the body, which are accompanied by itching and inflammation. Red swollen bumps, blister and bloats can be seen.
    Topical application of natural remedies like aloe vera or olive oil will relieve inflammation and may reduce itching.
  • Respiratory problem can be mild or lead to serious conditions. Asthma, wheezing and difficulty in breathing are severe allergic symptoms. Swelling of throat, tongue and lips results in wheezing. Anaphylaxis can also be experienced in rare situations.
  • Dehydration, upset stomach and bloating are few moderate digestive problems. Too much gas and swelling of stomach can also be seen.

Above mentioned allergic signs can be seen within few hours or in some cases take days to show the reaction.

As a normal person can’t determine the allergen, it’s recommended to consult allergist for diagnosis.


Various substances are exposed to skin to determine the allergen. Allergist will carry the skin prick test. Positive result will determine the availability of antibody.

Once the allergic substance is confirmed, the person must avoid garlic or any other substance in any form.

Anti-histamine medication prescribed by doctor can reduce mild garlic allergy symptoms.

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