Lobster Allergy Symptoms

Lobster Allergy Symptoms

Lobster allergy is one of the most common food allergy found in adults. Lobster allergy is caused by lobster and it can be determined by taking the blood sample of a particular person.

Lobster allergy causes itchy feeling and you will experience a swelling around your mouth after having the delicious sea food. It is almost similar to the symptoms of shellfish allergies which can be triggered by eating crabs or shrimps.

You need to be careful, if you found any symptoms because lobster allergies may lead to serious symptoms of anaphylactic shock.

The following article may give the description of lobster allergy symptoms and the treatment of lobster allergy.

Reasons for Lobster Allergy

The proteins present in the lobster can’t be recognized by the body and leads to an allergy. The body then creates anti bodies known as immunoglobin E to attacks the proteins and chemicals called histamine floods out and causes the symptoms to appear on the body.

Lobster allergy reactions can be unpredictable and even very small amount of lobster can cause one.

There are 17 specific allergens isolated with lobsters any one of them can be the cause for allergy.

Symptoms of Lobster Allergy

Lobster allergy can be mild or severe. The severity increases because of exposure to lobster, the one who are allergic must avoid all the contacts with the lobster. The symptoms of lobster allergy are as follows:

  • Tingling in the throat or mouth
  • Swelling of the tongue and face
  • Congestion
  • Wheezing
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Itching
  • Rashes on the body
  • Vertigo
  • Coughing
  • Syncope

It can also cause severe and life threatening reaction in which following symptoms occurs

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Rapid pulse or rapid heart beat
  • Shock that occurs in the result of sudden drop of blood pressure
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness

Diagnosis and Treatment for Lobster Allergy


This allergy can’t be determined by conventional methods of allergy testing. Only the method called immunoassay determines the existence of this illness.

It is based on the immunological, where the identification of specific antibodies are added.

These elements grow ultraviolent, thus the level of luminescence is distinguished which s directly proportional to the number of antibodies and measured by special devices.

In blood test, the blood of an individual is taken and checked for the immunoglobin E antibodies (igE), the existence of these antibodies in the blood verifies that the individual is suffering from the lobster allergy.

If the diagnosis is verified then the individual who is suffering from the Allergy of lobster should avoid consuming lobster and its good for him to avoid all the sea foods until he gets cured.

Treatment Process Includes

Antihistamines should be taken after getting prescription from the doctor to get relief from the allergen symptoms

Because anti histamines provoke side effects such as drowsiness, dry mouth, nausea and feeling of anxiety.

In severe case, hormone drugs are used; they serve to eliminate the signs of a perilous allergic reaction and interrupt the emergence of intolerance.

Immunotherapy is used for healing lobster allergy; this reduces the sensitivity to carry certain substances. But this method cannot help in reducing the disease forever but helps to carry out the symptoms easier.

So it’s better to avoid lobster in all forms which can help you to reduce the occurrence.

Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid From Allergies

Natural home remedies are as follows:


Honey contains anti-allergic properties. Consume honey in teas and breads or as well as plain honey will also help you in many ways.

Honey should not be cooked because it loses the beneficial qualities, always use raw honey for better purpose.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is beneficial for the people with allergies and it supports adrenal function. It will help you in controlling nasal congestion, maintaining a healthy digestive track and boosting your immune system.

Green Tea

Green tea contains methylated epigalocatechin gallate which inhibits the cell receptors included in activating allergic responses.

This compound plays a vital role in fighting against sneezing and coughs which are the basic symptoms of allergies.

Steam Treatment

One of the best remedy to get rid out of allergies is a steam treatment, inhale the steam from the boiling water into your nose which helps to clear the sinus blockage and relieves you from the tension of respiratory track.

This often helps you in relieving from the basic allergy symptoms.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has anti-viral properties which helps you in relieving from hives and itching

Mix apple cider vinegar with small amount of water and apply it on the affected area using a small cotton ball.

You can also use it in bathing and in your oatmeal.

Non Allergic Diet

Consume fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts which are non allergic in nature. This food helps you and keeps you fit and gives you strength to fight with other allergies you are suffering from.

Lime juice

The acidic nature in lime helps in killing the bacteria which causes the allergies. Take a glass of Luke warm water mix with honey and lime juice for few months.

It prevents the effects of allergies from your life.


Ginger acts as very good decongestant and anti histamine to your body and it has direct effect on the anti inflammatory processes in human body.

It plays a vital role in dominating the platelet activating factor.

Take a freshly peeled and chopped ginger root. Add this ginger in a glass of boiling water and add one table spoon of honey to get sweetness in theN drink.


Glutamine has the mechanical potential to inhibit inflammation and oxidative stress.

It’s an amino acid in the blood stream and helps to repair leaky gut and boosts immune health especially when you are suffering with allergies.


The presence of probiotic bacteria in intestinal micro biota is found to correlate with protection against allergic diseases.

It boosts the immune function and reduces the risk of developing allergies in the body.