Silicone Allergy Symptoms and Diagnosis

Silicone Allergy Symptoms and Diagnosis

Silicone is a byproduct that is used in almost all personal care products and other daily used items. Itching, swollen bumps or rashes over the skin are common signs of silicone allergy. Symptoms of silicone allergy are very rare, but repeated exposure can lead to anaphylaxis shock.

The first case of an allergic reaction due to this inert material was reported with the use of silicone implants. Another case of a 10-year old boy with itching (pruritus), erythema (redness) and edema (tissues filled with excess fluid) also been reported after using silicone nasogastric tube.


When the tube was removed, with 2 hours symptoms of allergic reaction decreased slowly. (Source:

In another case, women with silicone breast implants were studied who often complain about allergic symptoms. The report suggested that 75% of them are hypersensitive to silicone. (Source)

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How Silicone Allergic Reaction is Triggered? As most daily used products include silicone, we repeatedly come in contact with them.

When people who’re sensitive to this material regularly touch or use products made of silicone, then the immune system reacts harshly by releasing antibodies. Thus, a chemical reaction is stimulated and as a result, a person will experience different signs of allergy.

Symptoms of Silicone Allergy

As listed above, rashes over the skin, watery eyes and life-threatening conditions can be experienced by this allergic reaction.

Skin Reaction and Contact Dermatitis

Signs may appear within few hours or weeks of use. Cosmetic products that include silicone will trigger the reaction. As a result red rashes, swelling and vigorous itching can be seen on the spot where the cream is applied.

Swelling of hands, legs and other body parts after the use of silicone will indicate allergic reaction. Tissues will be filled with excess fluid that results in swelling.

Eye Infection

When allergens are ingested through any means, allergic reaction hits blood stream. Watery, itchy and redness of eyes can be seen.

Airway Issues

Chemical reaction that triggered in blood stream by allergens has intense impact. Nausea, swelling of airways, throat and severe asthma can be experienced by the person.

In rare cases, hypersensitive person may experience difficulty in breathing and unconsciousness.


Person who is sensitive to silicone must consult allergist for treatment. Often, people mistake intolerance and other allergic reaction to silicone allergy.

Allergist will conduct skin prick test to confirm the allergen.

Once the allergic substance is confirmed, you must stay away from it.

Also Read: Essential Oils For Allergy Relief

Avoiding is the best way to treat allergic reactions.

Personal care products and other medical substances that include even small percentage of silicone must be abandoned.

Check ingredients list of products before using them.

Here is the list of hair products with silicone. Also, check this link for all related items with this allergic material.