Aspartame Allergy Symptoms and Diagnosis

Aspartame Allergy Symptoms and Diagnosis


Vomiting, headache, nausea, migraines and dizziness are few common symptoms of aspartame allergy. This white crystalline, odorless powder is incorporated in dry foods, fruit juice and other beverages.

FDA approved its inclusion in 1981, however products must label phenylalanine. It is often used as substitute for sugar, as it is 180 times sweet as sugar. (1)

This chemically produced sweetener is surrounded by many controversies. People with phenylketonuria should avoid this artificial product in any amount.

Though researchers published online back aspartame as safe, many allergic symptoms are linked with this artificial sweetener.

Two amino acids namely L-aspartic and L-phenylalanine are housed in aspartame. People who’re sensitive to these amino acids will experience adverse reaction after ingesting aspartame included drink.

Aspartame Allergy Symptoms

It’s not always an allergic reaction. Few people when ingested in small quantities found no issues. However, over consumption resulted in various signs. When immune system isn’t associated, it is known as aspartame intolerance.

In case of allergic reaction, immune system in hypersensitive people mistake substances in aspartame as a threat. It releases IgE antibody molecules, which then triggers mast cells and histamines to stimulate a chemical reaction.

Depending on the allergic reaction, the person will experience different symptoms mild, moderate or severe.

  • You may experience small blisters, rashes or itching over the skin.
  • Vision blurring, tunnel vision, swelling of both eyes and pain can be seen.
  • Diarrhea, nausea and other digestive issues
  • Rapid heart beat
  • Sudden growth in blood pressure
  • Headache, migraine, memory loss, restless legs and confusion
  • Aggression, depression, insomnia and changes in personality can be seen with severe allergic symptoms
  • Ear problems like difficulty in hearing, intolerance towards sound and buzzing sound can be experienced.
  • Hair loss, weight issues and menstrual issues can be seen in women with aspartame allergic reaction.

List isn’t end here.

If you experience adverse signs after ingesting aspartame included drink or food substances, then consult physician immediately.

Don’t confirm the allergen by yourself.

Diagnosis and Aspartame Allergy Treatment

As mentioned, allergist or physician will diagnose. He/she will conduct skin prick test and determine the allergic substance.

Due to lack of knowledge, people mistaken wrong allergic food and avoid it. This can be dangerous, as repeated exposure to allergen will lead to life-threatening situation.

Avoiding is the best way to treat aspartame allergy.

Check ingredient’s list to make sure allergic items aren’t included in it.

Processed and carbohydrate beverages often include this artificial sweetener. But, they don’t label as aspartame, instead they may include phenylketonurics: contains phenylalanine. Consult with your physician to make sure you food substances are free from these ingredients.

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