Legumes Allergy Symptoms

Legumes Allergy Symptoms

legumes allergy symptoms

Legumes which include beans, peas and peanuts are rich in proteins and fiber. However, this nutritious food can trigger legumes allergy symptoms when ingested. If you’re hypersensitive to these food items, then you must avoid all legumes incorporated food.

According to experts, 90% of food allergy is caused due to nuts, dairy products, wheat, fish or soy. So it’s not easy to avoid irritants that trigger legume allergy.

When you ingest legumes food, immune system interprets food substances as a threat and tries to thwart them out. So that your body’s immune system releases antibodies, which gets attached to basophils in blood, mast cells in skin, digestive tract, ears, nose and throat. A chemical is released when allergens are ingested leading to allergic symptoms.

Your skin, ears, nose and throat either swell or develop rashes showing allergic signs. Only after diagnosis and required test, allergist will determine the specific allergen and prescribe medication.

Legumes Allergy Symptoms

Symptoms are identical in all legume related foods. Mild reaction include oral cavity and serious reaction include asthma and anaphylaxis.

  • Hives
  • Tingling sensation in mouth and throat
  • Swelling of tongue and throat
  • Stomach cramps
  • Digestion issues
  • Dizziness
  • Wheezing
  • Drop in blood pressure
  • Fainting
  • Anaphylaxis

In United States, about 0.6% adults and >1% children experience peanut allergy. It is among the most consumed food worldwide. People who’re allergic to this food may experience symptoms within minutes of consuming peanut, as mentioned signs range from mild to severe conditions, which need immediate medical attention.

Processed foods and technological aid (e.g. emulsifiers, texturizer) include soybean. But, it’s less prevalent than peanut allergy. Anyway, symptoms are identical and need immediate medical attention in serious situations.

Lupin flour is used in processed food as a substitute for soy or wheat. If you’re sensitive to peanuts then probably you’ll be allergic to lupin. Symptoms of lupin allergy include skin rashes, swelling of mouth and tongue, asthma and anaphylaxis.

Prevention and Diagnosis

Without preventing these foods items you can’t treat legume allergy. As soon as you experience these above mentioned symptoms after ingesting certain food, reach allergist or doctor for diagnosis.

Allergist will conduct skin prick test to check the availability of antibodies. Based on that he will prescribe your medication and ask you to avoid that certain food item.

Taking anti-histamines will relieve you from mild allergic symptoms. For severe symptoms either you must carry epinephrine injection or other medicines as prescribed by the doctor.

Apart from avoiding direct consumption of legumes, to treat legume allergy symptoms you must avoid processed food, baking goods and other dishes that include chickpea, lentil, lupin, peanut or soybean.

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