5 Healthy Fruit Juices to Take During Pregnancy

5 Healthy Fruit Juices to Take During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting period of women’s life. Along with excitement you would have worries, stress and anxiety. There may be various reasons for this, but it is very important for you to maintain healthy and nutritious diet during pregnancy.

Well, it is a well known fact that you need to eat lot of fruits, vegetables which are rich in nutrients, minerals and proteins during pregnancy. But consuming healthy foods may be difficult especially if you have morning sickness.

Many pregnant women prefer to take supplements instead of fresh fruits and vegetables to keep themselves going.

Well, the easy way to keep your baby healthy throughout the pregnancy is by having juices.

Here are the best top 5 healthy juices that should be taken during pregnancy that helps you to meet your body needs in each trimester.

Top 5 Juices To Be Taken During Pregnancy:

Here are the healthy drinks which have many health benefits during pregnancy.

  1. Beetroot Juice:

Beetroot is one of the healthiest and nutritious veggie especially during pregnancy which was proven by several studies. Beet root is helpful in the following ways

  • Helps With Constipation:

Constipation is the common symptom found in pregnant women, which is due to side effects of iron supplements.This can be dealt by having beet root juice.

  • Reduces Iron Deficiency:

Most of the pregnant women are recommended to take iron supplements during pregnancy; beetroot is rich in iron and will help to get required iron in your body.

  • Lowers Blood Pressure:

Beetroot juice helps to reduce the high blood pressure and decreases blood flow to placenta which causes premature delivery.

  1. Carrot juice:

Carrots are very useful and a great way to boost your unborn baby’s eye sight. Carrots are rich source of vitamin A and E which will help you to cleanse your body and clear all toxins.

Carrot juice is a good natural ingredient for pregnant women which help you to fight with excessive hair fall that is mostly associated with pregnancy.

The vitamins found in carrot juice maintain health of your nails and help them from getting brittle and it also keeps your skin healthy and smooth.

  1. Apple Juice:

5 Healthy Fruit Juices to Take During Pregnancy

As we know famous saying, “an apple a day keeps doctor away”. Apple juice is a great way to prevent unnecessary weight gain during pregnancy.

Apple juice helps to prevent sleeping disorders and even lower cholesterol levels during pregnancy.

  1. Orange Juice:

Orange juice is one of the most popular and common fruit juice. It is loaded with number of essential nutrients which can act a natural protection against cold and flu during pregnancy.

It is rich source of vitamin C and potassium which is essential for maintaining healthy immune system.The folic acid in the orange juice may prevent birth defects in baby during pregnancy.

Note:Don’t consume this juice in large amount, which may lead to positive effect of heartburn.

  1. Cucumber Juice:

Cucumber is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, folate, potassium, magnesium, manganese. It contains 90 percent of water in it.The minerals and sodium in cucumber will help to maintain and regulate blood pressure.

Swelling of hands and feet is most common during third trimester, well cucumber is the best solution for this problem.

It also helps in skin tightening and neutralizes the acid in the mouth preventing gum and teeth problems during pregnancy.

These are the top 5 juices which will definitely help you and your baby during pregnancy.