20 Amazing Benefits Of Guava For Skin Hair And Health

20 Amazing Benefits Of Guava For Skin Hair And Health

Guava is a delicious fruit and a powerhouse of several nutrients and minerals. It is also considered as one of the most popular fruits which bring our childhood in present moments. This fruit may not look fancy but benefits of this fruits make you awe!

This wonderful fruit is amazing for your hair, skin and health. This rich fruit is loaded with vitamin C which fights against infections, folate which helps to promote fertility and the fiber content in guava is especially helpful for diabetic patients to reduce blood sugar level.

Let’s see amazing benefits of guava in this article.

Benefits Of Guava For Health

1. It Cleanses The Body

As guava is rich in fiber, it acts as a natural cleanser in our body. It helps to flush out all toxins from our body and remove all waste material from your stomach. It is also used to shed those unwanted pounds which are stored in our body.

2. Lowers The Risk Of Diabetes

The fiber content present in guava is also helpful to reduce the risk of diabetes in our body. It lowers our blood sugar levels and gives a healthier life.

3. Controls Blood Pressure

Potassium is an essential mineral to maintain blood pressure in our body. Guava is rich in potassium which helps in normalizing blood pressure. Even banana is also rich in this mineral, if you don’t like banana then, guava is the best choice to gain potassium for your body.

4. Relaxes Your Nerves

Guava is also rich in magnesium which is essential to maintain relaxed and calmness in nerves. Try to consume a guava each day, it also work as energy booster too.

5. Improves Circulation

Guava has the ability to make proper blood circulation in our body. It contains high level of potassium which i turn helps in regulating our blood pressure.

6. Promotes Eye Health

Presence of vitamin A in guava helps to protect eyesight and improves your vision. Vitamin A is essential to reduce night blindness and slows down the formation of age related cataracts and macular degeneration.

7. Fight Against Infections

Guava contains anti bacterial properties and known as natural disinfectant which inhibits microbial growth in your body. These properties fight against infections caused by microbes by creating a hostile environment for them.

8. Fights Flu

Flu is a common condition that occurs whenever the atmosphere is unfavorable. Vitamin C in guava helps to fight against certain viruses and boosts the immunity system. Drink a glass of guava juice to extract vitamin C in a natural way.

9. Scurvy

Scurvy occurs due to deficiency of vitamin C in our body. Guava juice is the best solution to get rid of scurvy. Drink a glass of guava juice which is rich in vitamin C.

10. It Helps you In Losing Weight

20 Amazing Benefits Of Guava For Skin Hair And Health

Guava contains no fat, thus it helps you to maintain and balance your weight and prevent you from getting obese. With so many health benefits it becomes priority fruit for all those people who are concerned about losing weight.

Benefits Of Guava For Skin

11. Acts As Natural Skin Toner

The astringent qualities of guava keep your skin free from blemishes, acne, wrinkles and pimple. It is rich in several vitamins, minerals and nutrients which helps to keep your skin fresh and wrinkle free.

12. Skin Hydration

Proper hydration is essential for maintaining health of our skin. Water plays an important role in maintaining hydrated skin, guava is a water fruit which consists more than of 81% of water and helps your skin to keep hydrated.

13. Protects From UV Rays

Lycopene is an antioxidant that protects the skin from harmful UV rays and environmental pollution. Well, pink guavas contain more than 2.9 grams of lycopene that means twice amount present in tomatoes.

14. Delays The Signs Of Aging

As mentioned above, guava is a powerhouse of anti oxidants which helps to fight against premature aging of skin. Additionally, the lycopene content in guava protects us from environmental pollution which may lead to appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

15. Good for Skin Whitening

To improve complexion of your skin, guava is the best solution. All you need to do is mix flesh of guava with egg yolk and apply it on your face and leave it for 20 minutes. Then wash it with warm water. It helps to remove all dead cells from your skin and improves texture and complexion of skin.

16. Good For Skin Tightening

Guava is one of the best remedy for tightening your skin and make it look brighter than before. The tightening effect improves the elasticity of skin and even texture of the skin.

17. Treats Skin Problems

There is no end for treating skin problems with this wonderful fruit. It helps to reduce itchiness; vitamin K in this fruit reduces skin redness and irritation and improves blood coagulation. Even the leaves of guava can treat blackheads and redness on skin.

Benefits Of Guava For Hair

18. It Reduces Hair Loss

Guava is the best solution if you are trying to reduce hair fall and make your hair healthy and shiny. Guava combats hair fall and promotes its growth easily.

19. Maintains Hair Health

Guava plays a major role in boosting your hair growth. It is rich in vitamin A, C, potassium, magnesium, fibers, flavonoids and other phytochemicals will all work together to improve your hair health.

20. Conditions Your Hair

Try to wash your hair with guava leaves water regularly; you will see tremendous changes in the appearance of your hair.

Guava leaves water nourishes your scalp and conditions your hair. It also helps to treat certain hair conditions such as dry hair, itchy scalp, Split ends and damage of hair.