Casein Allergy

Casein is a protein which can be found in animal milk. It’s a complete protein with all essential amino acids required for the body.

Casein allergy occurs in your body, when casein is misinterpreted as threat to your body and your body triggers reaction in an attempt to fight it off.

Casein allergy is different when compared to lactose intolerance which is not an allergy but intolerance, where an individual is unable to digest lactose in milk.

This is not life threatening allergy, but we need to know about the allergies, causes, symptoms.

Types of Casein Protein

Cow Milk Casein

The casein in cow milk is also in two forms named as A1 beta casein and A2 beta casein. Digestion of A1 beta casein will produce peptide with an opiate like effect on your brain.

Goat Milk Casein:

Goat milk typically contains very low levels of alpha S1 casein, a type of protein considered difficult to digest. Goat milk typically contains A2 type and is mostly suggested for people who wants to avoid A1 beta casein in their diet.

What causes casein allergy?

Casein allergy is very common in children particularly infants. Well, experts didn’t find the exact reason for casein allergy but they have concluded that genetics plays a major role for casein allergy.

This allergy occurs when an immune system triggers reaction and releases chemicals to fight off with the protein called casein.

A casein allergy can cause

  • Swelling of lips and mouth
  • Nose congestion
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Wheezing
  • Vomiting
  • Hives and
  • Rashes

Where is Casein Found?

You can find casein in many dairy products that we use on regular basis. Some of them are as follows:

  • Cow’s milk
  • Some of dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, ice cream, low fat milk.

A dairy product which contains more fat and less protein such as butter and ghee will have very less amount of casein.

If you are allergic to casein, then you need to avoid these food which contain milk content, it’s very important for you to read the ingredients on the label before buying any food item in the store.

What are the Benefits of Casein Free Diet?

  • Casein free diet has many advantages, if you have milk allergy the symptoms will clear up quickly once the substance is eliminated from the diet.
  • Well, several studies on animals have found a correlation between the amount of casein protein in diets and cancerous cell growth.
  • If you are lactose intolerant or have bowel syndrome symptoms that is triggered by milk products, cutting diary out of your diet will definitely alleviate your symptoms.
  • A massive benefit of cutting dairy out of your diet is, you are avoiding lot of saturated fat from your diet which is the main cause for heart diseases. Balanced diet may result in maintaining balanced calcium content which lowers the risk of bone fractures.

How to Tell if Allergic to Casein?

Casein Allergy

This condition is often confused of lactose intolerance because they share the similar symptoms, but casein allergy can be life threatening in severe cases. So it is important to differentiate whether you have true symptoms of casein allergy or lactose intolerance.

  • Know your symptoms, because lactose intolerance affects only the digestive system, where as casein allergy affects more than just digestive system and symptoms resembles those of other food allergies.
  • Perform skin test in the presence of your doctor.
  • Eliminate all milk products from your diet and re introduce them for one at a time and watch for allergic reactions.
  • Perform a blood test in the presence of your doctor; this test is also called an allergen specific IGE antibody test.

How to Diagnose Casein Allergy?

If you found any symptoms of casein allergy, then immediately concsult your doctor.

Doctor my ask you about family history and performs some physical test. We do not have specific test to diagnose casein allergy, you may undergo several tests to find out whether any other disease is causing the symptoms of allergy.

Doctor may perform skin test to detect the specific immunoglobin antibodies that are responsible for triggering chemical reactions in the body.

How to Avoid Casein Allergy

There are many products in market which include casein which are as follows

  • Coconut butter
  • Soy based products
  • Rice
  • Potato based milks
  • Certain brands of soup
  • Soy yogurt
  • Some creams
  • Protein powder
  • Powdered milk
  • Artificial butter flavor
  • Artificial cheese flavor

Foods like processed meat, cheesed flavored chips and baked foods may have traces of casein. If you want to encourage muscle growth after workouts, then these products should be avoided.

Food that mentioned ‘caseinate’ will contain some amount of casein be aware of those foods.

Avoid preparing meals with cheeses, yogurt and try to prepare meals using any combination of vegetables, proteins and healthy fats.