10 Most Common Food Allergies

10 Most Common Food Allergies


Researchers state that about 15 million Americans are affected by food allergy. Serious signs of food allergy send someone to an emergency room in every 3 minutes.

Swollen itchy patches on the skin, eczema, redness around the eyes, vomiting, sneezing, nasal congestion and dry cough are mild symptoms of food allergy.

Severe signs include swelling of lips, tongue or throat, wheezing, asthma, sudden drop in blood pressure, chest pain and loss of consciousness.

Food Allergy Research and Education state that there is no cure for food allergy, hypersensitive person must avoid food that triggers allergic reaction.

So, avoid food substances that include allergens. Below listed are few common allergens.

Top 10 Most Common Food Allergies

#1 Wheat


Reports say that children with this food allergy normally outgrows before reaching adulthood. Anyhow, consult allergist before ingesting wheat.

Wheat allergy isn’t identical to gluten intolerance. Your immune system is involved in an allergic reaction, while gluten intolerance or Celiac disease affects small intestine.

#2 Milk


Official reports state that roughly 2.5 percent of kids below 3 years are susceptible to milk allergy.

To avoid the allergic reaction, experts recommend using hydrolyzed, casein-based formula. Consult your physician for more info.

#3 Soy


Reports say that 0.4 percent of children are sensitive to soy, but most of them outgrow before reaching 10 years of the age.

Soy is normally included in most food products in the US.

#4 Eggs


Allergic proteins are packed in egg white; however, hypersensitive person must avoid egg white and egg yolk in all forms. Vaccines that are incorporated by egg proteins must be avoided. Influenza also include small amount of this egg allergic protein, says American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

#5 Tree Nuts


This food allergy may lead to anaphylaxis situation. Hypersensitive person must carry epinephrine auto-injector.

If a person is allergic to one type of tree nut, there is a chance of being sensitive to other group of tree nuts as well.

#6 Shellfish

shell fish

60 percent of people who’re allergic to shellfish saw it for the first time when they are adult. Finned fish and shellfish don’t come under identical families.

Crustacea and mollusks are two kinds of shellfish. Allergist avoid ingesting fish of both groups if you’re allergic to any one of them.

#7 Peanuts


Studies show that about 20 percent children with peanut allergy outgrow the allergic reaction. However, researcher avoids ingesting peanut and other food products that include peanut for hypersensitive people.

According to Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protect Act US products with peanut must mention “peanut” on the label.

#9 Sulfite Sensitivity


To preserve the food and its color, sulfite has been included in food since Roman times. It preserves the food by releasing sulfur dioxide.

Drinks, wine, food and some medicines include sulfite. Asthma is the common symptom of sulfite allergy.

#10 Fish


This food allergic reaction stays life-long. 40 percent of people with fish allergy experience the reaction first time in adulthood.

If you’re allergic to one fish, then most probably you’ll be sensitive to other types of fish. Finned fish and shellfish aren’t related and so if you’re allergic to shellfish it’s not necessarily avoid finned fish. (Source: foodallergy.org)

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