How to Treat Dust Mites on Dogs

How to Treat Dust Mites on Dogs

Mites mean (dust or waste). Allergy is a common disease which can affect to human beings or animals. Dust mites allergy is caused by tiny spider like creatures that live in our houses, to eat the dander (skin & hair flakes) from our bodies. They are not visible to our naked eyes.

By using a microscope we can see them like similar to white flea, but they are actually related to spider & they have 8 legs.

The symptoms are like red in color & oozing skin, rashes, licking excessively, scratching, & redness, watering of the eyes & nose. If your dog has severe reaction, it may also cause to inflammation of the airway & cause a constriction that makes it hard to breathe.

If you notice your dog is sneezing, coughing, and wheezing you need to go to animal pet doctor immediately.

Dust mites allergies in dogs can be misdiagnosed because the symptoms are very similar to other condition. The main difference between dust mites allergy & other causes of itchy skin (dry skin, fleas) is that with dust mite allergy your dog will also have sneezing, runny eyes and nose, a cough, and possible wheezing.

Causes of Dust Mites Allergies in Dogs

Dust mites allergies in dogs are commonly caused by dust mites, their dead bodies & dust mites waste. If your dog is having symptoms the entire year & seems to breathe better outdoors, you should suspect dust mites allergies. Let’s see the several ways that you can has be exposed to dust mites:

  • Body parts.
  • Dust mites bodies (dead)
  • Dust mites (alive)
  • Waste from dust mites.

Symptoms of Dust Mites Allergies in Dogs

dust mites - dog on mattress

  • Moist or crusty skin.
  • Hives.
  • Red &watery eyes.
  • Runny nose.
  • Sneezing.
  • Snoring caused by an inflamed throat.
  • Scratching over the body including tail area, eyes, and underarms.
  • Excessive licking.
  • Bald spots from scratching.


Dogs with any gender or any age can develop an allergy to dust mites, but it is more frequently seen in:

  • Dogs over 3 months old.
  • Pugs.
  • Setters.
  • Terriers.
  • Bulldogs.
  • German shepherds.
  • Retrievers.

Treatment of Dust Mites Allergies in Dogs

How to Treat Dust Mites on Dogs

The best treatments for any allergy dogs are corticosteroids, antihistamines, & a topical ointment. A special shampoo may be prescribed to decrease the itching & an antibiotic to prevent infection.

 Immuno Therapy Shots

These shots are just like allergy shots for human; they are affective but can take a long time to work. Adding a bit each day to desensitize your dog to dust mites gradually.

The major problem with this method is it can take more months to shots before your dog is fully desensitized. In some cases it may never work. Also, these shots can trigger a serious reaction called anaphylaxis.

Treating the Skin

Dog skin is the best example to determine allergies. So, it is important to get the skin back to its normal position as soon as possible. A hypoallergenic shampoo and cortisone cream for the rash and inflammation will help dogs to relieve the itching within a few days.