Rosemary Allergy Symptoms and Diagnosis

Rosemary Allergy Symptoms and Diagnosis

rosemary allergy

Anecdotal reports claim that oil extracted from rosemary leaves can effectively enhance overall healthy functioning of the skin. Even few researchers say that antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity residing in rosemary oil can relieve from allergic reactions.

But, there are few cases of rosemary allergy symptoms (1). A female who repeatedly used cosmetic creams containing rosemary extracts experienced itchy rashes on her face and hands.

This rare allergic reaction can be triggered when you ingest dishes that include rosemary leaves or topically massage with its oil. Delicious mouth watering Mediterranean and European dishes include rosemary for its nutritional benefits.

Causes of Rosemary Allergy

When you ingest or topically apply rosemary leaf extracts, proteins in the herb are determined harmful by your immune system. Thus to combat them, it releases antibodies.

After a couple of times, when you use the same ingredient or other substance with identical protein structure, IgE antibodies detect them and signals immune system to release histamines. Histamines triggered react with food proteins and results in allergic symptoms.

Rosemary Allergy Symptoms

This rare allergic reaction results in mild severe symptoms if not diagnosed. Signs of the allergy include: Below symptoms include both internal and topical allergy.

  • Skin rashes
  • Swelling and itching on skin
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Wheezing and difficulty in breathing
  • Nasal congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Watery eyes
  • Anaphylaxis

According to, excess dosage of rosemary results in irritation in intestines, stomach and leads to kidney damage.

Symptoms may appear after few hours or can trigger as soon as you ingest rosemary included dish. Ignoring the reaction and continuing the usage of rosemary will lead to life-threatening conditions.


Person, who experienced above mentioned reactions after ingesting rosemary, must consult allergist for diagnosis. Certified allergist will conduct required test and confirm the substance that triggered allergic reaction.

Accordingly, he will prescribe the medication.

Apart from taking medicines or creams for skin rashes, to treat rosemary allergy you must avoid them. Dishes, creams and other products that include this herb must not be used.

While going out ask restaurant staff about the ingredients used in the dish, to stay safe. Instead of using cosmetic creams, which may include different allergy causing substances apply olive oil, rosewater or rice water for radiant skin.

Anti-histamines can relieve from mild allergic symptoms. If you experience severe allergic symptoms in the paste, then carry epinephrine injection with you.

People under the age group 18 must stay away from rosemary medicinal use. Adults may use it but, only after patch testing it. Tea and other products made by dry rosemary leaves are known to have effective nutrients.

Note: Mild or severe rosemary allergy need medical attention.

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