Sage Allergy Symptoms and Diagnosis

Sage Allergy Symptoms and Diagnosis

Sage, an herbal remedy prominent for its healing and anti-allergic activity can stimulate adverse reaction in hypersensitive people. U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved this spice to be safe. But, studies show that thujone present in sage can affect nervous system.

Sage allergy triggers when proteins packed in this herb ingest in the body and react with immune system. This allergic signs can be experienced in sensitive people when consumed internally or used topically.

From ancient times sage has been used for medicinal and to improve digestion. Now-a-days, essential oil extracted from sage is used for culinary and to boost memory. Lab report suggests that sage essential oil exhibits antimicrobial activity.

This renowned medicinal herb is used in salads, meats, vegetables, tea, soaps, perfumes and vinegar. Antiseptic activity of sage can fasten the healing process of minor injuries and cuts.

Though it’s filled with such exceptional properties, sage can turn allergic.

Sage Allergy Symptoms

This unheard allergy range from mild to severe symptoms. Signs of food allergy are identical. However, to determine the allergen allergist will conduct prescribed test.

  • Skin rashes
  • Itching
  • Burning sensation
  • Red and watery eyes
  • Tingling sensation around mouth
  • Swelling of lips & throat
  • Swollen bumps
  • Digestive issues
  • Nasal congestion
  • Trouble in breathing
  • Migraine
  • Headache
  • Wheezing
  • Life threatening symptoms

If you see any of the above mentioned symptoms after eating, inhaling or touching the allergen, reach allergist for diagnosis.

There are few cases where hypersensitive people experience allergy even when they inhale or topically used allergic substances.

Apart from this, cross reactivity like, herbs or food substances that include similar proteins or carry pollen will results in sage allergy. Yes, it’s not easy, but you must check twice before using any new food substances.

sage allergy

According to experts, baking will remove pollen that is carried with the food substances. Processed food and delicious dishes at restaurants include this herb, which may irritate your immune system. So, you must check ingredient’s list and make sure that dishes you ordered are free from allergic causing substances.

Allergist will conduct skin prick to confirm that allergen and prescribe medication. If you experienced severe symptoms in your life, then follow allergist advice and carry emergency injectors with you.

Let your family and friends knew that you’re allergic to sage.

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